Archive for the ‘pH’ Tag

Quality and Quantity-Making Wiser Choices about the Water you Drink   Leave a comment

ImageHealthy Living Series: Water-Part Four

by Stan Sauerwein

Pure Leadership News is delivering a healthy living series on the subject of water.  Readers of the Pure Leadership textbook series will be acquainted with some parts of this topic as it was well covered in Lift the Veils to Reality and Change is Natural.  

What makes good quality water?

We’ve learned that water is abundant, and our sentience is at least partly attributable to water.  We’ve learned that drinking water is essential to how our physical body functions.  Basically, water equates to life.  But is all water created equal?

From Clayton Nolte’s research mentioned in a previous article, we realize that structured water is one of the best ways to consume this life-giving, miraculous substance.  We’ve also learned that we can use sacred codes to energize and purify the water we drink.  We’ve learned that with the appropriate belief system, we could drink contaminated water and our body would purify it and generate the minerals it needs. It would literally transmute ‘bad stuff’ into ‘good stuff’. However, until you have achieved that belief and the necessary level of vibration, the quality of the water you begin with is obviously important.

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